Sexxxylexxxi - Donna Trans Escort in Austin, TX

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Austin, TX
L'ultimo è di: 23 Feb, 08:40
la mia posizione
Principale Austin, TX
GPS Austin, TX
Distanza N/A
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Le mie statistiche
Io sono Donna Trans
Età 26
Ethic Latina/o
Corpo Atletico
Posizione Versatile
Altezza 5'9" - 174 cm
Peso 120lbs - 54 kg
Capelli Bionda/o
Colore degli Occhi Marrone
Seno Extra Large
Dimensione del Pene 7 In - 17cm
Sedere Culone
Disponibile per Uomini
Circumcised Yes
Thickness Thick
Health Status
HIV Status Negative, on PrEP
Incall 250300
Servizi Esterni 400
Durante la notte 1500
escort ts in Austin, TX
Questo sito vieta qualsiasi offerta o sollecitazione per la prostituzione. Le informazioni fornite sono solo a scopo di intrattenimento e qualsiasi attività che si svolge al di fuori di questo sito al di fuori del nostro controllo ed è inteso per essere rigorosamente tra adulti consenzienti.
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A proposito di me

Your sexy little secret

NO BURNER/CALL APPS: I embody both humility and boundless ambition, valuing privacy and expecting reciprocity. With a college education and a thriving career, I understand the importance of personal lives beyond fantasies. Engaging with me entails fascinating conversations and a warm, friendly smile.

I choose my interactions carefully, seeking excellence in those who surround me. Exuding refinement and sophistication, I effortlessly navigate conversations with grace. Laughter is integral to my life, and I prioritize your satisfaction and uphold high standards of integrity. Austin, Texas, my is home, brims with energy and endless possibilities.

Let me clarify that I am a professional model, not advertising any solicitation. My physique and intellect are cultivated and genuine, reflecting my essence. Above all, I embrace my uniqueness, understanding that I may not appeal to everyone. Please note that I don't offer half-hour sessions or special deals.
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Blog di Sexxxylexxxi

  • Sexxxylexxxi

    Precautions Coronavirus

    Pubblicato da Sexxxylexxxi

    During these very difficult times we are facing as a nation I want to remind you that you are very important to me,. I take extra precautions when its your turn to visit. I have a very low body count because I choose to be this way. I live in a very secure, safe and CLEAN location. No rotating door here. Face mask and sanitizer are always provided if you chose to wear one. Disinfected Home, Building, and I don't travel state to state or city to city to ensure your safety and health of your loved ones is a priority. Most importantly im ver honest and genuine and I'm not here to rob or take time from anyone. So please don't be disingenuous when calling or setting up any appointments.

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