BrightRaven - Transessuale Escort in Denver, CO

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Denver, CO
L'ultimo è di: 13 Sep, 2023
la mia posizione
Principale Denver, CO
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Le mie statistiche
Io sono Transessuale
Età 45
Ethic Mischiata/o
Corpo Slim
Posizione Versatile
Altezza 5'6" - 164 cm
Peso 140lbs - 63 kg
Capelli Bionda/o
Colore degli Occhi Blu
Seno Piccolo
Dimensione del Pene 7 In - 17cm
Sedere Medio
Disponibile per Tutto
Circumcised Yes
Tattoos Yes
Piercings No
Smoking No
Thickness Thick
Health Status
HIV Status Negative, on PrEP
Incall N/A
Servizi Esterni 600
Durante la notte 2500
escort ts in Denver, CO
Questo sito vieta qualsiasi offerta o sollecitazione per la prostituzione. Le informazioni fornite sono solo a scopo di intrattenimento e qualsiasi attività che si svolge al di fuori di questo sito al di fuori del nostro controllo ed è inteso per essere rigorosamente tra adulti consenzienti.
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A proposito di me

🏳️‍⚧️🍆Pre-op versatile trans-woman🍆🏳️‍⚧️

Caring and sweet,

Take the time to see me for the beautiful romantic I am.
With that said, please don't haggle.
Try texting because I probably will not answer a call at first.
Please plan ahead and give me as much time as possible.
My fee is a little more and I know that I'm not the youngest or prettiest,
but I can be the nicest, funniest and more of a true pleasure to be around.
I value myself highly and so do those around me.
I can be very charming with the right person.
You will want to know and see more of me.
If you ever did need someone for a date or special event then I'm your girl.
You will feel respected, valued and proud to be with me.
I can be your slut, but I'm more girlfriend material.
I am new to this lifestyle and would appreciate being treated well.
I am tested regularly, but also stay safe.
We can play with all different forms of kink, but I prefer sweetness.
So lets get to know each other, I never mind grabbing a quick drink if my schedule allows.

-Best regards
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Blog di BrightRaven

  • BrightRaven

    So close...

    Pubblicato da BrightRaven

    Well, ugh, So it was all set up, vid chat, alerted friends, comprise and I believed a clear understanding that we would be meeting on neutral ground, like a nice room. I took a Uber to the address and found it was not neutral, next time I will have to google map and research first. I had to call and tell them that I will not be seeing them and call another uber back home. The first driver agreed to wait on the second one to show up, he totally knew what was going on and understood that I was not getting out (I was only slightly embarrassed, but his understanding of the situation and respect set me at ease). Now I am actually down in the game two rides, FML. This has to get better :(

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